The legal effect of marriages between foreign same-sex couples that marry in South Africa
A person’s domicile is the country where they live or intend to live permanently. Our robust Constitution has long since recognised same-sex marriages in South
Marriages out of community of property subject to the accrual system
These principles apply to a marriage out of community of property with accrual: 1)Both spouses have separate estates when they get married and don’t share
Marriages in community of property
Community of property is the primary and default matrimonial property system of South Africa. If parties prefer to be married out of community of property,
Conflict between an ANC and contract providing for lifelong maintenance
In a recent Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) case, the court had to decide if an agreement concluded between the parties conflicted with their antenuptial
The Ex-Wife Had The Right To Claim Maintenance From Her Ex-Husband
Supreme Court of Appeal case finds that the ex-wife had the right to claim maintenance from her ex-husband on behalf of the adult dependent children of their
Why is drafting a Will important?
Although not a comfortable topic to think about, drafting a Will is one of the most important things you will do in your life. A
Muslim marriages recognised
This is a judgment of the Constitutional Court, declaring invalid certain provisions of the Marriage and Divorce Acts, and recognising Muslim marriages. On application for
Marriages solemnised between a foreigner and a South African citizen.
A client asked: “I am South African, and my husband is a Zimbabwean national. We got married in Johannesburg. Are we married in or out
Enforceability of a prenuptial executory donation
DB v CB 2021 JDR 0896 (GP) 2021 JDR 0896 (GP) Marriage — Divorce — Proprietary consequences — Marriage out of community of property —
Amendment of your Antenuptial Contract
Can married parties vary the term of their existing antenuptial contract (ANC), without going to court? It is a general rule in our law that
Recognition of foreign marriages in South Africa
Destination weddings If you intend to have a destination wedding or if the husband is not a South African, you can and should enter into
Marriages solemnised outside South Africa.
A client asked: ‘We are a South African couple that got married in Mauritius. Are we married in or out of community of property? These