Bwanya case

Editor’s note: the law has since changed. In the Bwanya case, The Constitutional Court held that Section 1(1) of the Intestate Succession Act is unconstitutional and invalid insofar as it excludes the surviving life partner in a permanent opposite-sex life partnership from inheriting in terms of this Act and that the word “spouse” includes a partner in a permanent opposite-sex life partnership in which the partners had undertaken reciprocal duties of support. The judgement also deals with same-sex partners that cohabit permanently, maintenance claims, etc.

Domestic Partnership

Recent developments in the Law  By WILLEM PRETORIUS COUNCILLOR: GAUTENG LAW COUNCIL EDITION 02/2004 JUNE 2004 A seminar on Family Law was held on 4 May 2004

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Contract for love

The author deals with cohabitation, marriage, divorce and the painful process of winding up an estate after death. Wherever your relationship is going, take this

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Domestic partnerships

Synopsis: legislative changes are being discussed to correct the perceived imbalances which currently exist between recognising marriage as the only legally intimate partnership and domestic

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