Confessions In Employment Law – Brauns And Others v Wilkes N.O And Others
Introduction: In the case of Brauns and Others v Wilkes N.O and Others, the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) dealt with the dismissal of former employees
Introduction: In the case of Brauns and Others v Wilkes N.O and Others, the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) dealt with the dismissal of former employees
Summary: The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) recently overturned a decision by the Gauteng Division of the High Court in the case of Allied Steelrode
Landmark Constitutional Court Ruling: Unconstitutionality of Immigration Act Impacting Foreign Nationals’ Parental Rights in Rayment v Minister of Home Affairs – Analysis of Findings, Recommendations,
Summary of Facts: The legal journey in the case of Bisschoff NO obo Reyners v PRASA [2023] ZASCA 160 involved a series of court proceedings.
Introduction: Prescription in South African law, governed by the Prescription Act 68 of 1969, plays a pivotal role in determining when debts become unenforceable. This
Introduction: In the case of Essack and Another v Sun International South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others, the Gauteng High Court grappled with the liability of
Introduction: In the recent case of Nkwe Platinum Limited v Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd and Others, the South African High Court in Pretoria grappled with
Introduction: In a November 2023 ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal, The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Steinmuller (149/2022) [2023] ZASCA 143 (2
Marriage is a significant life event that brings two individuals together in a legally recognised union. In South Africa, the implications of marriage extend beyond
Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping global business landscapes, disrupting industries with technologies like generative AI. As organizations increasingly leverage AI, governments worldwide are collaborating