

Marital Status(Required)

Your executor (the person you appoint to carry out the terms of your will – usually your spouse or partner)
Bequests (who you want to leave your assets to).

You may leave your entire estate to named beneficiaries (e.g., your entire estate to your spouse and kids). Alternatively, you have the option to leave a specified amount of cash or a specific asset to a beneficiary before you decide who gets the remainder of your assets.

Do you want to leave a specific cash amount to beneficiaries? If so, detail their relationship to you and their full names and ID Numbers (and the proportion in which they will inherit).

Do you want to leave a specific assets to beneficiaries? If so, detail the type of assets, the beneficiaries’ relationship to you and their full names and ID Numbers.

Nominate a substitute beneficiary should your previously nominated beneficiary be unable to inherit. (For example, you left your Estate to your spouse, but should your spouse die before you, you leave your Estate to your children).

Testamentary trust

The creation of a trust in your will allows you to specify that the inheritance of a minor beneficiary/ies (under 18) be held in a trust for their maintenance, education and general welfare until the age specified by you. When your beneficiary reaches this age, the trust will end, and the balance of the trust funds paid to them directly. If you have minor children, do you wish to create a testamentary trust?

  • If so, provide their full names and ID Numbers.
  • If there are minor beneficiaries, who will you nominate as trustee if you and your spouse die at the same time. Provide their full name/s and ID Numbers.
  • Similarly, who will you appoint as guardian of the kids if you and your spouse die at the same time. Provide their full name/s and ID Numbers
Your burial preference(Required)