Who is a Legal Guardian?
Who is a legal guardian? A client asked me when and how a person should appoint a guardian to look after minor children, on his
A grandparents’ duty to support their grandchild
Grandparents’ rights and responsibilities Intro: For many South Africans, grandparents are the backbone of the family, playing an important role in caring for and imparting
At what age can a child decide for themselves whether they want to maintain contact with the other parent
A client asked: At what age can the child legally decide for themselves whether they want to maintain contact with the other parent? Answer: There
When can a mom relocate overseas with her child born out of wedlock without the biological father’s consent?
My client has a child born out of wedlock. She wants to marry a UK citizen and wants to know if she needs the biological
Rights of grandparents to contact with grandchildren
In LH and another v LBA(EL1426/20101, Eastern Cape High Court) the court had to decide what rights of access grandparents had to their grandchild. Summary
SCA rules on child sexual abuse claims for civil damages brought later in life
On Monday, 27 September 2004 in the first case of this kind in South Africa, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) handed down a ruling
Duration of duty to support children
A parent’s duty to support a child does not cease when the child reaches a particular age but it usually does so when the child
The Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998
The objective of the Act is to provide an effective legal procedure for victims of domestic violence and to facilitate a cheap procedure that can
Adoption is a legal way for an adult single person or couple to become the legal parents of a child. When you adopt a child,
Fathers fight for their rights
A SA branch of the British founded Fathers-4-Justice (F4J), a civil rights organisation campaigning for children’s rights to see both parents and grandparents after a
Not all dads are bad, say caped crusaders
The South African branch of Fathers4Justice, a non-profit organisation campaigning for the rights of parents to have access to their children, wants to see the
Joint v. Sole Custody
What are the rights are of a parent who has joint custody of a child as opposed to one that has sole custody? Joint v.