The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) legislation defines a domestic worker as an employee who performs domestic work in the home. Domestic workers did not, until recently, receive the benefits and protection of statutory law. The position has changed substantially since the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1983, became applicable to domestic employees. There are also various trade unions and associations to assist such employees.

How the Shoprite Checkers Case Clarifies the Impact of Curators on Prescription Act for Mentally Incapacitated Claimants
Summary Learn how the Supreme Court of Appeal clarified that the appointment of a curator ad litem for a person with a mental disability does

Domestic workers – Help in the home
Domestic workers did not, until recently, receive the benefits and protection of statutory law. Source – You and your rights DOMESTIC WORKERS Help in the home

Keeping up with the law on employing domestic workers
Some employers of domestic workers are still unsure about exactly how to go about registering their employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and how