Dog bites – what defences can an owner raise?
In Van Meyeren v Cloete (636/2019) [2020] ZASCA 100 (11 September 2020) the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) had to consider the rights and responsibilities
In Van Meyeren v Cloete (636/2019) [2020] ZASCA 100 (11 September 2020) the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) had to consider the rights and responsibilities
The National Credit Act and Reckless Lending Click here to see the case analysis of the recent judgment of Chaity Investments CC v Schoombie The
In the matter of MK and TRANSNET LTD t/a PORTNET, heard by the Kwazulu-Natal Local Division of the High Court under case number A105/2004, Mbatha
A client asked: Are schools completely indemnified against any claims, even when they were negligent? Does an indemnity from give the recipient a “license” not
When can you claim damages for patrimonial loss (expressed in money) from a dog owner if his dog bites you and injures you? Two Latin
In the recent Pretoria High Court case of AMABHUNGANE CENTRE FOR INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM NPC Judge Sutherland had to consider two discrete questions:- The first is
Since the introduction of the Matrimonial Property Act of 1984 (the Act), spouses married in community of property share the same rights regarding the disposal
Is it a crime to defame someone? Before 2009 it was uncertain whether the crime existed in our law. In the case of Hoho v
Guest: Roy Bregman, from Bregman Moodley Attorneys on Cape Talk – The John Maytham Show
In the 2012 case of H v W, heard in The Johannesburg High Court, Judge Willis had to determine if this post on Facebook was