What is a holistic divorce?

We promote a holistic approach for those going through a divorce. We believe that a win-win approach is the only way a family can survive the process successfully.

Source: Lady4Justice

Going through a divorce can feel as treacherous as white-water rafting, as unsetlling as riding a roller-coaster at breakneck speed. Emotions run high, and you don’t really know what’s going to happen next. It’s no wonder that people often panic, and look for a tough, aggressive attorney to protect them. The problem is, this usually makes things worse.

Many lawyers talk about divorce like it’s a war. They boast that they only represent men, or only women. They start out with an “us against them” mentality, as if the other spouse were “the enemy.” With this mindset, of course, they soon are.

Months, or maybe years later, the family emerges from the legal system, broken, battered, and embittered.
That is why we promote a holistic approach for those going through a divorce. We believe that a win-win approach is the only way a family can survive the process successfully.

Because a family is still a family, even after a divorce.

If one spouse sticks it to the other at the trial level, they can be sure that their “opponent” will find another way to retaliate. It’s human nature. No one likes to lose, so the fight never ends.

With a holistic approach to divorce, we look for mutual understanding and a way that both parties can get their needs met, and maintain a good relationship with their children. Make no mistake; kids need both parents, and the more time they spend with them, the better.

A holistic divorce creates a win for both parties. In the future, during those times when you can’t pick the kids up, or need to swap visitation days, your former spouse will be a lot more willing to accommodate you than if you stuck it to them in the divorce.

And both parents will be a lot less likely to bad-mouth each other to the kids if they haven’t gone through a brutal custody battle.

We will fight for you when necessary, fighting only for the issue at hand, while always keeping our focus on the best solution for both parties. Divorce doesn’t have to be a battlefield. We help clients achieve win-win results and emerge from a potentially devastating process with a minimum of emotional baggage, a maximum of assets left to work with, and a family that still loves each other. Our clients find that they can live happily even after.

Is that possible? Yes, it is. With a holistic divorce.