An example of a simple will

An example of a very basic will

                                                       LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT

of me

                                            {INSERT NAME OF PERSON MAKING WILL}

presently resident at {Insert his or her address}

I revoke all Wills and other Testamentary dispositions previously made by me.


2.1             I hereby nominate {INSERT NAME OF EXECUTOR} as Executor of my Estate with power of assumption.

2.2             I direct that my Executor, whether nominated or assumed shall not be required to furnish any security whatsoever in connection with his/her appointment, whether for the discharge of his/her duties or as security for the assets which shall be or become in his/her possession or under his/her control and whether as stipulated in any law now in force or hereafter to be of force and the Master of the Supreme Court and other competent officials are hereby directed to dispense with any such or like security.

3               APPOINTMENT OF HEIRS

I appoint {INSERT NAME OF HEIR} as the sole heir to the residue of my entire estate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand at {Insert place of signature} on this{Insert date of signature} in the presence of the subscribing witnesses all being present at the same time and signing our names  in the presence of one another.


……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………..
(Signatures of two witnesses)

(Signature of testator/testatrix)

NB This specimen will is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.