AARTO traffic fines

Traffic fines under Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, No. 46 of 1998 (AARTO), currently applicable to Tshwane and Johannesburg.

  • Traffic offences set out in section 29(a) of the act are processed in terms of AARTO.
  • The initial Infringement Notice will either be written by hand, or electronically generated by the eNaTIS system, in the case of camera infringements which are then served on the Infringer by registered mail.
  • The infringement notice offers the offender a 50% reduction if the fine is paid within 32 days after the infringement notice was issued. The 32 day period begins to deplete at date of issue, irrespective of when the infringer ultimately receives the notice.
  • After the 32 days expire a courtesy letter is issued, reminding the infringer of the infringement and failure to pay within the initial 32 days of issue. The offender at this stage will be liable for the full amount of the fine plus an additional fee for the courtesy letter.
  • Should the offender fail to satisfy the amount due in terms of the courtesy letter timeously, an Enforcement Order will be issued.
  • The Enforcement Order will require the infringer to make payment of the full amount plus additional penalties within a period of 32 days of the date of service of the Order.
  • Until such time as the infringer has paid the penalty and additional fees in terms of an Enforcement Order, no drivers licence, Professional driving permit (PrDP), or Vehicle licence disc will be issued to you.

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