Are You Being Abused?

You can apply for a Protection Order which can protect you from further abuse.

How are you being abused?

Physical abuse: pushing, slapping, punching, kicking, burning, biting, stabbing.

Verbal abuse: putting you down, name- calling, yelling, and belittling you.

Sexual abuse: having sex with you against your will, making you do sexual things you don’t want to do.

Controlling your movement: or keeping you locked in the house, isolating you from family and friends, monitoring your phone calls.

Economic abuse: taking away your money, refusing to provide enough money for household expenses, not paying maintenance when he can afford to do so.

Abusing power: always claiming to be right, telling you what to do, and making decisions without consulting you.

Threat with guns or knives: attempting to scare or kill you or your children.

Forced entry: making uninvited calls and visit, refusing to leave when asked.

Stalking you: following you wherever you go, phoning you all the time to check where you are?

Saying the abuse is your fault: pretending that he never hurt you, blaming all his problems on you.

Abusing your children: verbal and physical abuse, sexual abuse, forcing your children to monitor your telephone calls or who visit you, using your children to steal.

Damaging your property: tearing your clothes, burning your belongings, destroying important documents, e.g. ID book/ passport, damaging your furniture.

Who do I contact?

If you need more information or help with a problem of domestic violence you can:

  • Talk to a health worker at your local clinic
  • Talk to a counselor from your local NGO or welfare office
  • Phone the national toll-free Stop Women Abuse hotline – 0800150150

How can the police help me with a problem of domestic violence?

If you report a case of domestic violence to the police:

  • They will tell you about your rights and how to get a protection order
  • They can send a police officer to your home to protect you from further abuse. They can also take away the abuser’s weapons if he is threatening you.
  • They can help you find a shelter and a counseling service.
  • They can also help you get medical care.
  • They must arrest the abuser if he does not obey the protection order.

If a police officer does not help you, you can report him or her to the Station Commissioner. You can also contact your local police Area Commissioner, or the offices of the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD).

ICD HEAD OFFICE: Maphetang Foolo 012 320-0434
GAUTENG 011 838 2875/6
MPUMALANGA 013 752 4316
NORTHERN PROVINCE 015 295 5561/5
FREE STATE 051 522 9856
KWAZULU/ NATAL 031 305 8370
EASTERN CAPE 043 642 1667
NORTHERN CAPE 053 831 7390
WESTERN CAPE 021 426 0700


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