Motivate your employees to be star performers

Motivational problems in your company or team can seriously affect staff morale and performance. If this is not detected and addressed early, it becomes a negative spiral that feeds on itself.

Motivate your employees to be star performers

Source: Practical Guide to Human Resources Management by Fleet Street Publications (Pty) Ltd

Motivational problems in your company or team can seriously affect staff morale and performance. If this is not detected and addressed early, it becomes a negative spiral that feeds on itself.

Do you have a motivational problem in your company or team?

Do this motivation test. Do you have the following in your department?

  •          A high or higher than normal staff turnover
  •          Your star performance want to jump ship (and because of pushing, not pulling factors
  •          People are taking long breaks (and there is a lot of negative talk in the coffee or smoking area
  •          People arrive late for work and /or leave early
  •          A high or higher than normal level of absenteeism
  •          A general low mood in the company, no commitment and no passion for making a difference
  •          Presenteesism and ‘go-slow’ – staff is ‘present’ but their souls aren’t
  •          Performance and productivity are down and accidents up
  •          People are taking shortcuts
  •          Unethical behaviour is on the increase
  •          People are blatantly sabotaging the system or organizational efforts

If you have ticked more than one third of these items, you need to review and address your practices that might be detrimental to staff motivation.

15 tips to motivate your staff

1.      Involve employees in problem solving and make them part of the solution

2.      Treat employees as customers or potential customers and nurture the relationship

3.      Treat people as individuals and not as part of the herd. Each individual has different needs and aspirations that should be addressed

4.      Look for a cultural fit when appointing new employees

5.      Offer possibilities and opportunities for growth and development

6.      Offer flexible work arrangements (e.g. flexi time, work from home, salary structuring)

7.      Limit the number of rules, regulations and policies and rather focus on a few core values and principles that will guide behaviour

8.      Provide a clear sense of purpose and role clarity for each team and employee and feedback on their contribution

9.      Regularly communicate in an open and transparent way

10.   Reward, recognize and praise outstanding performance in a fair and consistent way

11.   Nurture a cohesive organizational climate where every employee feels part of and wants to work for your company

12.   Nurture relationships with employees’ core family and make them supporters of your company. E.g. recognizing the importance of a balanced life and involving family members in events

13.   Demonstrate an inspirational leadership style

14.   Provide inspirational leadership, especially in times of change and uncertainty

15.   Provide employees with the support and resources necessary to do the job