Employees owe more than just punctuality and hard work

The best managers are not those who dismiss as many employees as possible with a ‘golden handshake’, but those who achieve excellent performance within their team – and in doing so, ensure growth and shape the future of the company.

Employees owe more than just punctuality and hard work

Source: Practical Guide to Human Resources Management by Fleet Street Publications (Pty) LtdThe best managers are not those who dismiss as many employees as possible with a ‘golden handshake’, but those who achieve excellent performance within their team – and in doing so, ensure growth and shape the future of the company.

What hurdles have you had to overcome with problematic employees?
How much time, patience, energy, money and talk have you wasted on under-performing employees? And all without the slightest bit of success?

One thing is certain: your team also includes highly motivated, hard working and successful employees who you should be investing the same energy in, as they will achieve great results.

But ask yourself: couldn’t everything be run even better?

e.g. if Mrs….. wouldn’t always shut her computer off a quarter of an hour before quitting time

e.g. if Mr….. wouldn’t always answer the phone only after letting it ring five times or more

e.g. if Mrs….. would refrain from selling cosmetics during working hours.

Have you asked yourself the following questions?

  • How can I legally dismiss an employee without being taken to the CCMA?
  • How can I reward top performers without incurring high costs?
  • How can I educate my employees faster and at a lower cost?
  • How can I motivate my employees o think in terms of innovation and enterprise?
  • How do I train employees to achieve-in only one week-the desired level of performance, which others would only reach after eight weeks?
  • How can I achieve consensus in difficult matters by negotiating with confidence?


Follow this-shaped design for successful conflict management:


  • Tackle conflict early – this will prevent it from escalating
  • Try to avoid instinctive reactions
  • Think the problem through first, then try to plan a way to resolve it
  • Refrain from offering your own opinion before understanding the whole problem
  • Be assertive



  • Avoid the issue and ignore the conflict
  • Take it personally
  • ·Jump in without fully assessing the problem
  • ·Fight anger with anger
  • ·Handle conflict in public

How to achieve the desired outcome in 6 steps 

1.      Encourage communication with your employee. Emphasise his previous good performance

2.      Clarify the facts with him in order to establish whether he really is responsible for the mistake.

3.      Listen to his excuse or response.

4.      Point out to him the consequences of this inappropriate behaviour.

5.      Assess the facts and if necessary, issue a warning. State precisely what you expect from your employees in the future.

6.      Find a positive conclusion by expressing your hope for future trouble-free co-operation between yourselves.

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