Who to contact if you’re unhappy

There is nothing more frustrating than having hassles and disputes with a bank, lawyer, your medical aid or pension fund, and not being able to resolve it to your satisfaction. If you are tired of being bullied by people and organisations, stand up and fight back! You will find lots of useful contact details on this page.

Who to contact if you’re unhappy

Sat, 14 May 2005

This article is a printout from iafrica.com
Copyright © 2000 iafrica.com, a division of Metropolis

There is nothing more frustrating than having hassles and disputes with a bank, lawyer, your medical aid or pension fund, and not being able to resolve it to your satisfaction. If you are tired of being bullied by people and organisations, stand up and fight back! You will find lots of useful contact details on this page.

All departments
Web: http://www.gov.za
Advertising Standards Authority 
Tel: (011) 781 2006
Fax: (011) 781 1616
Email: asasa01@iafrica.com
Address: Box 41555, Craighall 2024
Ombudsman for Banking Services
Tel: (011) 838 0035
Fax: (011) 838 0043
Email: info@obssa.co.za
Address: Box 5728, Johannesburg 2000
Cars and other vehicles
Retail Motor Industry 
Tel: (021) 939 9440
Contact: John Faber, consumer complaints officer.
Consumer Affairs Committee 
Tel: (012) 310 9562/69/70 OR 320 0579
Address: Pvt Bag X84, Pretoria 0001

Consumer Institute of South Africa
Tel: (011) 833 4298
Fax: (011) 833 8844

The Law Society of South Africa
Tel: (012) 362 1729
Supermarkets and chain stores
All the major chains have a section dealing with consumer problems and complaints. Consult your local telephone directory.
Medical Aids and Schemes
Council of Medical Schemes 
Tel: (012) 431 0500/430 7652
Fax: (012) 430 7644
Contact: Patrick Masobe (Registrar); Stephen Harrison.
Property and Housing
Estate Agency Affairs Board 
Tel: (011) 883 7700
Fax: (011) 883 5655
Email: eab@eaab.org.za
Web: http://www.eaab.org.za

Timeshare: Timeshare Institute of South Africa 
Tel: (021) 914 5210
Fax: (021) 914 5202
Contact: John Meyer (Executive Director)

Financial services
Financial Services Board
Tel: (021) 428 8000
Life Assurance Ombudsman 
Tel: (021) 674 0330
Fax: (021) 674 0951
Email: ombud@mweb.co.za
Address: Box 45007, Claremont 7735

Short-term Insurance Ombudsman 
Tel: (011) 339 6525/6570
Fax: (011) 339 7065

Life Offices’ Association 
Tel: (021) 421 2586
Email: info@loa.co.za

The Registrar of Insurance (short-term and life insurance)
Tel: (012) 428 8061
Fax: (012) 347 8263
Address: Box 35655, Menlo Park 0102
Contact: Oppie Opperman

Pension Fund Adjudicator 
Tel: (021) 674 0209
Fax: (021) 674 0185
Email: enquiries@pfa.org.za
Address: 3rd Floor, Sanclare Building, Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town
Public Protector
Toll-free: 0800 112 040
Tel: (012) 322 2916
Fax: (012) 322 5093
Address: Private Bag X677, Pretoria, 0001
Click here to read more about the Public Protector.


South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Tel: (012) 428 6222
Fax: (012) 344 1568
Email: info@sabs.co.za
Web: http://www.sabs.co.za
The Small Claims Court
Tel: (012) 315 1072
Address: Department of Justice, Private Bag X61, Pretoria, 0001