Next steps in the ANC process

When I receive your marriage contract, I will check it for errors and then email it back to you.

The following documents must be signed:
  • You, your fiancé and two witnesses over the age of 16 years, must sign the Power of Attorney (PA) that authorises me to appear before a notary on your behalf. The PA must be signed by the four signatories  in full, with all your normal signatures.
  • You, your fiancé and the two witnesses must also initial each page of the attached marriage contract.
  • If you have assets that you excluded from the operation of the accrual system, you and the witnesses also need to sign, in full, the statement of assets, called a LIST OF ASSETS AND STARTING VALUES IN TERMS OF SECTION 6 OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT NO 88 OF 1984.
I then meet with you for the few minutes that it takes for you to give me the signed documents and for me to sign and hand you the letter to your marriage officer. At the same time, you will give me copies of your identity documents (for FICA purposes).
I will then appear before the notary on your behalf and s/he will lodge the ANC at the Deeds Office.
After a few months, the ANC will come out of the Deeds Office and I will contact you to collect it from my office.
For an additional fee, I can send the ANC to you by courier.