Donating your body to medical science or donating your organs

Have you thought about donating your body to medical science or donating your organs, on your death?

Donating your body or any specific tissue thereof to be used after your death
In terms of section 2 of the Human Tissue Act of 1983 any person who is competent to make a will may in his will, or in a document signed by him and at least two competent witnesses, or in an oral statement made in the presence of at least two competent witnesses donate his body or any specific tissue thereof to be used after his death for any of the purposes referred to in section 4 (1) (e.g. medical or dental training) and s/he may in such a will or document or statement nominate as a beneficiary, a hospital, a university or technikon, an authorized institution, a medical practitioner or a dentist.
This is a clause you could insert into your will:
I bequeath my body to the Medical School of the University of (name) so that it may be used for dissection or research purposes at the complete option of the Dean of the Medical School. I waive all rights to burial of the remains and such parts of my body as may remain are to be cremated. I authorise my nominated executors to sign whatever forms may be required to carry out my instructions.
Organ donation
What they say:
Simply register on line or call the Organ Donor Foundation toll free on 0800 22 66 11 for further information.
We will send you an information brochure, a credit card size card to fill in and carry in your wallet. We will also send you 2 small stickers to put on your ID document and on your driver’s licence.
Finally, we recommend you discuss your decision with your next-of-kin as ultimately they will have to give consent when you die.
This is a clause you could insert into your will:
I hereby direct that my body shall be delivered to any hospital selected by my nominated executor for the purpose of such hospital utilising any portion thereof for the benefit of any living person by way of transplant or in any other manner as the medical officer in charge of such hospital may in his discretion decide and I authorise my nominated executor to sign all of the prescribed forms to carry out my instructions.