Guide to Divorce in South Africa


Marriage is a sacred bond that can sometimes come to an end, leading to divorce. In South Africa, couples have the legal right to dissolve their marriage through divorce, allowing both parties to move forward with their lives. However, the process of divorce can be complex and emotionally challenging. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in getting divorced in South Africa, addressing different types of marriages and key considerations such as custody of children, access arrangements, maintenance, and property division.

Types of Marriages in South Africa

  1. Civil Marriage:
    • Governed by the Divorce Act of 1979, civil marriages are the most common type of marriage in South Africa. These marriages are solemnized by an authorized marriage officer and registered with the Department of Home Affairs.
    • The dissolution of civil marriages follows specific legal procedures outlined in the Divorce Act. This includes filing for divorce in a court of law and obtaining a divorce decree from a judge.
  2. Customary Marriage:
    • Customary marriages are recognized under the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act of 1998. These marriages are conducted according to customary law and traditions prevalent within certain cultural communities in South Africa.
    • While customary marriages are recognized under civil law, some aspects of the divorce process may be influenced by traditional customs and practices. For example, the division of property or the payment of lobola (bridal dowry) may be determined by customary norms.
  3. Hindu Marriage:
    • Hindu marriages are solemnized according to the rites and rituals of the Hindu religion. These marriages are not governed by civil law but are recognized as valid marriages within the Hindu community.
    • Unlike civil marriages, Hindu marriages may be dissolved without the intervention of a court, provided that the parties adhere to the religious protocols and procedures for divorce.

Key Issues in Divorce

  1. Residence of the Children:
    • One of the most significant considerations in divorce proceedings is the residence of any children born of the marriage. The welfare and best interests of the children are paramount in determining custody arrangements.
    • Before granting a divorce, the court must establish who will have the primary residence of the children. This decision can be reached through mutual agreement between the parties or, if necessary, determined by the court based on various factors such as the child’s age, health, and relationship with each parent.
    • In cases where the divorce process is prolonged or contentious, interim custody orders may be issued to provide temporary arrangements for the care and upbringing of the children until a final decision is made.
  2. Access to the Children:
    • Even if one parent is granted primary residence, the non-custodial parent typically retains the right to have reasonable access to the children. This ensures that both parents maintain a meaningful relationship with their children following the divorce.
    • Access arrangements, including visitation schedules and communication protocols, should be agreed upon by the parents or, failing that, determined by the court based on the best interests of the children.
    • However, in cases where there are concerns about the safety or well-being of the children, the court may impose restrictions on access or supervised visitation to mitigate potential risks.
  3. Maintenance:
    • Financial support for the children and, in some cases, the spouse, is a fundamental aspect of divorce proceedings. Maintenance orders ensure that the financial needs of the children are adequately met, considering factors such as the income and expenses of both parents.
    • Maintenance obligations may be enforced through court orders, specifying the amount, frequency, and method of payment. Failure to comply with maintenance obligations can result in legal consequences, including enforcement measures by the Maintenance Officer at the Magistrates Court.
    • Maintenance responsibilities extend to all children born of the marriage, regardless of whether they are born within or outside of wedlock. This reflects the principle that parents have a legal duty to support their children financially.
  4. Division of Property:
    • Dividing marital assets and liabilities is a critical aspect of the divorce process, particularly in civil marriages. The division of property depends on the chosen matrimonial property regime, which may be governed by an ante-nuptial contract or default legal provisions.
    • In community of property regimes with accrual, marital assets and liabilities are shared equally between the spouses, subject to certain exceptions. This includes property acquired during the marriage and any debts incurred jointly.
    • Ante-nuptial agreements allow couples to customize their property regime, opting for arrangements such as out of community of property with or without accrual. These agreements specify the division of assets and liabilities in the event of divorce, offering greater flexibility and protection of individual assets.
    • In customary marriages, property division may be influenced by traditional customs and practices. For example, the return of lobola may be required by the husband’s family if the wife initiates divorce proceedings.

Dissolving Different Types of Marriages

  1. Dissolving a Civil Marriage:
    • Grounds for divorce include an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, mental illness, or continuous unconsciousness of one spouse. Evidence must be provided to support these grounds.
    • The divorce process involves filing a summons with the court, addressing issues such as custody, access, maintenance, and property division. Settlement agreements may expedite the process.
    • A hearing before a judge is conducted to finalize the divorce, after which a divorce decree is issued. The use of the Family Court may streamline the process and reduce costs.
  2. Dissolving a Customary Marriage:
    • Customary marriages are dissolved through court proceedings based on grounds recognized under civil law. The court may consider customary arrangements in custody, maintenance, and property division.
    • Parties may reach agreements on the terms of the divorce, which are then reviewed and endorsed by the court. Traditional customs, such as the return of lobola, may be observed in certain cases.
  3. Dissolving a Hindu Marriage:
    • Hindu marriages may be dissolved according to religious protocols rather than civil law. Parties must adhere to the rituals and procedures prescribed by Hindu tradition for divorce.
    • Unlike civil marriages, Hindu marriages do not require court intervention for dissolution. However, parties may choose to formalize the divorce through legal means for clarity and legal recognition.


Divorce is a significant life event that requires careful consideration and understanding of legal processes and implications. Whether it’s a civil, customary, or religious marriage, the dissolution of marriage in South Africa involves navigating complex legal frameworks, addressing sensitive issues, and prioritizing the best interests of any children involved. By seeking legal guidance and approaching the process with patience and cooperation, divorcing couples can achieve a fair and amicable resolution that allows them to move forward with their lives.

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