Contact times with minor children

Although contact times depend on circumstances,
the Family Advocate has made these recommendation
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Age of child
Frequency and duration
Vacation in time without contact with primary parent
0 – 6 months
Longer periods if contact is regular. If weekly, three hours per visit. Shorter, more frequent periods of contact are suggested, 2 to 3 times per week
7 – 19 months
The same as for 0 – 6 months
Not really
18 – 36 months
Weekly contact. If during weekends, a portion of one or both days. Long weekend visits are not recommended. Acceptable for three-year-olds
Possibly acceptable for three-year-olds
Possibly. Many factors. One week or less for older children in this age group
3 – 5 years
Predictable contact is important. Weekly time, if possible. Full weekends or two other days and nights at this stage
Yes, usually
Yes. Possibly longer than a week for younger children. Higher limits of two weeks for older children
6 – 12 years
The same as above. An additional overnight is applicable for this age
Yes. Two weeks or longer. It is possible to exchange the primary residence during holidays with reversed time sharing for the stage
Focus should be on the needs of the teenager while parental responsibility and supervision is maintained
Yes. Optional
Yes. Increased sensitivity regarding activities and schedules for this group (work, organised sport, etc)